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2021 is the 12th anniversary of the Trials!
No Spectators due to Covid-19
Wednesday June 9th:
Open Class
7:00 a.m. - Handlers meeting
Class to begin Immediately following meeting
Thursday June 10th:
Open Class
7am Handlers Meeting
Class to begin Immediately following meeting
Friday June 11th:
Free day to explore Vashon or Seattle
Saturday June 12th:
Nursery and Pro-Novice Classes
7:30 Handlers Meeting
Nursery Class to begin Immediately following meeting.
Pro-Novice will begin immedately after the Nursery Class without a course change.
Sunday June 13th:
Nursery and Pro-Novice Classes
7:30 Handlers Meeting
Nursery Class to begin Immediately following meeting.
Pro-Novice will begin immedately after the Nursery Class without a course change.
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