Scotty's Clan
In 2011, a small group of Vashon spinners took their spinning wheels and chairs and joined island fiber artist Susan Bates in a pop-up tent at the Vashon Sheepdog Classic. They talked and spun, carded wool and enjoyed watching the dogs herding the sheep. Time warp to 2017: a large section of the event field is now delineated as the Fiber Arts Village.
The Fiber Arts Village is home to many tents, all dedicated to fiber with an emphasis on wool; its preparation, creative uses, and final products. Demonstrations include Wheel and Drop Spindle Spinning, Fiber Preparation, Weaving, Rug Hooking, Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Kumihimo Braiding, and Needle Felting. Most demonstrations are Hands On, at no expense to spectators.

The Fiber Arts Village Volunteers, dubbed Scotty’s Clan in homage to our fiber flocked sheep, include spinners, knitters, felters, weavers, rug hookers, and more. The goal of the fiber artist volunteers is to teach about all processes using animal fiber. The hope is to provide education while inspiring potential fiber artists and encouraging budding artists to grow and expand their craft.
Thank you to Vashon Island Artist David Erue for the structure of Scotty and to Vashon's SSK (Second Saturday Knitters) for beautifully yarn storming Scotty.